Could you care?

Right now, these kids have nowhere to go

Currently only in Melbourne, we are seeking expressions of interest from individuals and couples who have room in their homes and their hearts to give these kids a great start!

Long-term carers are vital in providing the stability and permanency so many children need and crave. Committing to caring long-term for a child or young person means they don’t have to move from one foster family to another anymore – it means they can finally unpack their bag and focus on being a child without the worry of where they might end up next.  

As a long-term foster carer, you will provide a safe and loving home for a child who would otherwise have nowhere else to go.

How do we support you?

Financial assistance

As a long-term carer, you will receive a tax-free carer allowance starting from $446 per fortnight (Approx. $11K per year) to help cover the cost of things like food, bills and clothing.

Professional services for the child

You will also have access to all the supports and services your child could need, i.e., counsellors, speech pathologists, tutors and more.

24/7 on call access

We are there for you, and you can talk to a member of our team whenever you need to. Even outside office hours, a staff member is always on call, so help is just at the end of the phone.

Professional training

You will be asked to complete 16 hours of foster care training during accreditation to set you up for success. We also provide ongoing training opportunities across all aspects of foster care to help you build your skills and knowledge in working with children who have suffered trauma.

Day-to-day peer support

You will be matched with an experienced foster carer who can provide you with support and guidance over the phone or a coffee. Access to drivers to help with school runs, cleaners, meal delivery service, and babysitting funds is also available.

OzChild team alongside you

A team of people at OzChild are there for you, including your case manager, carer support worker and after-hours team.

Meet the kids

*Images and names have been changed to protect the identities of the children and their families.

Shelley* and Sammi*

Shelley is a 13-year-old girl who loves to make Tik Toks and play on her iPad. She normally listens to The Wiggles because that’s her sister Sammi’s favorite!

Sammi adores her older sister Shelley, and Shelley likes protecting Sammi; she wants to make sure she is safe and being looked after, which is why it is important the girls can find a home where they can remain living together.


Bailey loves Pokémon, Swimming, Basketball, playing with animals, cooking, and playing on his iPad.

Bailey would thrive with a carer who is nurturing, warm and gentle in their approach within a household with no other children or where there are older children who are also patient and kind and could help support Bailey.


Charlotte is a sweet and inquisitive 8-year-old girl who loves animals and can tie her own shoelaces.

“I love playing with toy cars and riding my scooter, and my favourite TV show is Bluey. I also like to read books and eat lots of yummy foods. I would like to live with someone who likes to go for walks and wants to play with me.”

Charlotte is currently in need of a foster carer who has the time to help her with her routine, someone who won’t get mad if she forgets to go to the toilet before bed but rather reminds her about things like this.


“SpongeBob SquarePants is my favourite TV show, but when it comes to music Kid Laroi is what I listen to because we are from the same mob.”

Tim is a 10-year-old proud Aboriginal boy from Gamilaroi country. Unlike many kids his age, Tim prefers to be outside playing rather than being inside on his iPad.

Sadly, Tim can’t stay with his current carers, so we are looking for his forever home.

Layla* and Kayla*

These cheeky little sisters will steal your heart and fill your home with giggles.

Aged 8 and 10 Layla and Kayla love to dance and sing.

Layla and Kayla are looking for a forever home where they can remain together until they reach 18.

Care for those who need it the most

Do you think you can…

  • Provide a safe and positive living environment?

  • Pass on simple life lessons like how to ride a bicycle or how to brush your teeth?

  • Take the child to appointments (e.g. swimming lessons, contact with siblings or family, counselling)?

  • Be there for them when they want to talk?

  • Give the child a sense of belonging?

  • Give the child one-on-one attention?

  • Provide routine, love and support?

  • Guide the child through ups and down with the support of the team at OzChild?

Sound like you could be the difference in a child’s life?

It’s the smallest decisions that can change a life forever

Other questions you might have

During the accreditation process, we learn all about you and your family to understand what kind of young person would best suit your household dynamic. When you are being matched with a child, you will find out lots of info about the child first and the child could stay with you for a few weekends to see if having the child in your care long-term could work.

You certainly can, if you have the time and energy to do both. Most of our carers work full or part-time hours. There is a lot of support from OzChild such as, cleaners, babysitters, and drivers to help fit fostering in with your daily schedule.

The child in your care will spend one weekend a month with other carers to give you a break.

Depending on your availability, you could complete the accreditation process in as little as 3-5 months! There are necessary meetings, training and paperwork to complete but we are here to help you every step of the way.

Carers looking after Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children are encouraged to keep those children connected with their culture and our Aboriginal Practice Lead is on hand to help you figure out what this means and what to do. The same is true for children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. We will provide you with the help and resources so you can do this.

Absolutely, if you’re keen to explore other types of foster care (weekend care, emergency care or caring for just a couple of weeks or months at a time) or would like to care for a broader range of kids (aged 0-17), we would love to hear from you. Click here to find out more info about other types of care.

All of these children are more likely to be in long-term care as the court has decided they can’t safely live with their parent(s) and they don’t have any other family members who can care for them. Sometimes long-term placements can turn into permanent placements after a few years, where you become the legal guardian of the child. Adoption is not the same as permanent care as adoption refers to the voluntary relinquishment of a child by their parents.

When you are an accredited OzChild carer you do not have to be re-accredited if you wish to pivot to another foster care program (other types of care or different ages) or wish to foster more children. When you are an accredited OzChild carer you do not have to be re-accredited if you wish to pivot to another foster care program (other types of care or different ages) or wish to foster more children.

We currently have foster care programs in Victoria and Queensland and we’ll soon launch a foster care program in the ACT too. If you are from Queensland or ACT you can register your interest by emailing us at

Ready to take the next step?

Get your Foster Care information pack 

You can find the essential information you need to become a foster carer with OzChild in this pack. Our info pack will guide you through the process, answering questions you may still have so you can provide a safe and loving home for a vulnerable young person in need. Your decision to become a foster carer can change a young person’s life, giving them the care and support they deserve. 

By submitting the enquiry form, you’re not signing up for anything; we are simply providing you with more information about becoming a carer. 

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Acknowledgement of Country

OzChild acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live and work. We acknowledge their cultures are living ones, which relate to their ongoing connection to all things living and non-living on land, sea and sky.

We pay our respect to Elders past and present.

May the children of today lead us to a brighter tomorrow.

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