Foster Care Week

Foster Care, News | Posted September 11, 2020
Foster Care Week

“The capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance.” Pablo Casals

Foster Care Week is celebrated in Victoria and NSW from 13-19 September

While we appreciate and give thanks to our carers every day, special weeks like Foster Care Week provide us with a wonderful opportunity to highlight the incredibly important role carers play in supporting children and young people.

The value of foster carers cannot be underestimated! Every day they are making a difference in the lives of vulnerable kids giving them the chance to thrive. We couldn’t be more grateful for the partnership we have with our Village of carers.

On any given night OzChild supports over 550 children and young people to have a home across our kinship, foster care and Treatment Foster Care Oregon programs throughout Victoria, ACT, NSW and QLD. This is only achievable with the support of a tight-knit community, a Village of Carers.

Foster Care Week provides a wonderful opportunity to say thank you and shine a light on the valuable contribution carers make.

Read about our commitment to support our Village of Carers through OzChild’s Thriving Families Carer Strategy. Working in partnership with our carers.

Every 45 minutes a child enters the out-of-home care system in Australia. The sad reality is the number of children and young people needing care is not slowing down and the number of people signing up to become carers is falling short. Could you care?

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