When Harry was found wandering the streets of St Kilda, his story was a heartbreaking one. At just eight years old, he didn’t exist on any official records—no birth certificate,…
Harry’s Story

When Harry was found wandering the streets of St Kilda, his story was a heartbreaking one. At just eight years old, he didn’t exist on any official records—no birth certificate, no school enrolment, no medical history. He had never attended school or visited a doctor.
For a child who had slipped through every safety net, life was filled with uncertainty. But that was about to change.
Harry was welcomed into the TFCO-C program, where a team of dedicated professionals and a compassionate carer surrounded him with the safety and support he desperately needed.
explains Libby, the TFCO teacher who played a pivotal role in Harry’s educational journey.“Placement stability relies on many factors, but school stability is one of the most important,”
With Libby advocating for his needs, Harry was enrolled in a nurturing primary school. She worked closely with his teachers to implement trauma-responsive strategies that helped him build trust and confidence.
In addition to his educational support, Harry worked with a therapist, a skills coach, and a team of specialists who tailored their approach to his unique needs. Slowly but surely, the foundations of stability and care took hold.
The transformation was profound.
Libby“He’s in school full-time. In class full-time. Happy, learning, growing, supported and experiencing success,”
Harry now attends school every day, engages in his lessons, and experiences daily wins—milestones that were once unimaginable.
His story reminds us of the incredible difference stability, compassion, and teamwork can make. For Harry, life is no longer defined by what was missing. It’s about the future he now has the chance to build.
*names have been changed to protect identities
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OzChild acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live and work. We acknowledge their cultures are living ones, which relate to their ongoing connection to all things living and non-living on land, sea and sky.
We pay our respect to Elders past and present.
May the children of today lead us to a brighter tomorrow.
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