1. Overview
The purpose of a quality management system is to ensure OzChild consistently provides services that meet client needs, regulatory requirements and demonstrates continuous improvement. OzChild has chosen to comply with the international Quality Management Standard ISO 9001:2015, which helps to meet these obligations. Quality management ensures that OzChild delivers consistent services through planning, assurance, control and improvement. Quality management is focused not only on service quality, but also on the means to achieve it.
A quality management system (QMS) is a collection of business processes focused on consistently meeting customer/client requirements and enhancing their satisfaction. It is aligned with an organization’s purpose and strategic direction (ISO 9001:2015). It is expressed as the organizational goals and aspirations, policies, processes, documented information and resources needed to implement and maintain it.
OzChild’s strategic goals have been developed to meet OzChild’s vision and purpose. OzChild’s quality objectives are the strategic goals:
Goal 1: Advance what works
- With a deep commitment to what works, we will advance our evidence-based services.
Goal 2: Be a courageous voice for change
- We will advocate and collaborate for a brighter tomorrow.
Goal 3: Grow for greater impact
- We will grow our services and respond to need where we can have the greatest impact.
Goal 4: Strengthen our vital organisation
- We will invest in OzChild as a contemporary, vital organisation.
2. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that OzChild people adopt quality management practices and systems for the continuous improvement of the organisations operations in pursuit of the OzChild Vision. Quality management is essential to ensuring efficient and effective service delivery.
3. Scope
This Policy applies to all OzChild People and all activities OzChild undertakes.
4. Policy Statement
OzChild Board of Directors, leadership group and its people are committed to providing high quality services by continuously evaluating and improving its services towards best practice. OzChild will:
- Establish and maintain a Quality Management System which satisfies the requirements of ISO9001:2015. Additionally, OzChild will also comply to standards relevant to each of the jurisdictions and services in which the organization delivers services.
- Consistently provide services that meet the needs and expectations of clients, customers and interested parties.
- Respond to risks and opportunities within the changing internal and external environment to improve practices.
- Act on feedback and complaints to improve service delivery and service experience.
- Identify, report, investigate and resolve non-conformances and take action to prevent reoccurrence.
- Ensure all OzChild People are competent and have the appropriate resources to carry out their role.
- Continually improve the services provided to clients through the use of internal and external audit reviews and management reviews.
- Comply with all applicable obligations including regulatory, contractual and standards.
- Work towards the vision and goals of OzChild’s Strategic and Business Plans.
- Commit to supporting quality improvement principles and practices and this commitment acknowledges the importance of ongoing professional development, innovation and the importance of building and nurturing relationships with clients.
- Develop and implement management information systems to meet all relevant statutory requirements and standards.
- Document continuous improvement activities for monitoring, review and analysis purposes.
- Seek to integrate continuous improvement into all activities at all levels of the organisation.
5. Definitions

6. Document Responsibilities

7. Related Documents/Legislation/Other
7.1 Internal
- Quality Framework
- OzChild Strategic Plan 2026
- Business Plans
- Internal Auditing Procedure
- Risk Management Procedure
- Pali Compliance and Risk System
- Feedback, Complaints and Appeals Procedure
- Organisational Feedback Register
7.2 External
- ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System
8. Approval Information

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Acknowledgement of Country
OzChild acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live and work. We acknowledge their cultures are living ones, which relate to their ongoing connection to all things living and non-living on land, sea and sky.
We pay our respect to Elders past and present.
May the children of today lead us to a brighter tomorrow.
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