Meet TFCO Carer, Colleen
Meet Treatment Foster Care Oregon Carer, Colleen

Colleen has been an OzChild TFCO carer for just eight weeks!
“You’re looking at a complete rookie! I am just eight weeks into my carer journey. I know I am walking into uncharted waters but I’m open to learning and am ready to give it my all.”
Colleen’s admiration and respect for carers, and their core element of lifting others up was the inspiration behind her deciding to become a carer.
And while Colleen knows the road ahead won’t be all smooth sailing already she can see simple gestures of adventure, love and care is all it takes to strike the right notes.
“It is reassuring to know I will be working alongside a good team, a team who will be there for me 24/7”
“The TFCO team back you at all angles. There’s always someone ready and raring at the end of a line to work with you, for you,” says Colleen.
When we asked Colleen about the challenges she faces as a carer, her response was one you would expect from someone caring for a child with complex and somewhat challenging behaviours.
“Hitting the same walls you believed you had overcome is a challenge. Makes you wonder if all the goodness you are pouring into the kids cup is being retained.
“Working with horses and hounds for most of my life, I have built an understanding of showing and demonstrating the right way to do things through consistency. Consistency is key right?!
“I figure it isn’t that different with children.”
And what about the rewards, the best thing about being a carer?
“For me it is smashing through barriers. Knocking the wall down.”
OzChild’s Treatment Foster Care Oregon team are available to support carers in the program 24 hours a day, seven days a week and with daily contact carers never feel alone in their journey.
“The support systems are there 100%, and it’s good to know that there’s that net under you if you should stumble. Being quite independent most of my life, it has become a part of my make up to handle obstacles solo. However, I am encouraged and welcomed to utilise the support resources available to me. They WANT to be of help. The teams hands are stretched out ready to take your hand. All I have to do is reach out,” says Colleen.
Colleen believes her strengths as a carer include her ability to have fun.
“I like to play and find that kids value nothing more than levelling with them and having some good fun.”
When it comes to my weaknesses Colleen admits the emotions of the child he is caring for can affect her emotions at times, after all she is only human!
Colleen’s advice for others considering becoming a carer with the Treatment Foster Care Oregon program is simple:
“It is reassuring to know I will be working alongside a good team, a team who w“If you have it in you to withstand a bit of chaos, and at the same time be a calm influence then you could be the missing piece for kids to help them get them get back on track. It’s not for the light-hearted this gig.If you’re in, you’re all in.
So, if you have been thinking about taking the step and becoming a carer, why not contact our team today!
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OzChild acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live and work. We acknowledge their cultures are living ones, which relate to their ongoing connection to all things living and non-living on land, sea and sky.
We pay our respect to Elders past and present.
May the children of today lead us to a brighter tomorrow.
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