Jillian Wain Award 2020

Jillian Wain Award 2020 – recognising our amazing foster carers

For the first time in 2020 the Jillian Wain Award is included in the OzChild Carer Awards.

This award recognises the outstanding dedication and commitment of a foster carer within our In-Home Care program in western Melbourne in the spirit of a great advocate for children and families – Jillian Wain.

Jillian has been involved in foster care since 1975, when she and her husband Greg become foster carers. In 1995 Jill began managing the Melton/Bacchus Marsh Foster Care program for The Salvation Army.

During her time as manager of the foster care program, Jill was a strong advocate for keeping sibling groups together and respecting and supporting birth parents. Jill also strongly advocated for children to remain connected to their culture and family.

The recipients of the inaugural Jillian Wain Award are Bob and Barb Paterson

An elderly couple sits on a couch, smiling at each other, in a well-organized room

Bob and Barb started their foster care journey 25 years ago after responding to a newspaper advertisement for a carer wanted for a child who had a physical and intellectual disability and high medical needs.

Over the years this devoted couple have cared for several children with high medical needs, including two children who passed away from medical issues.

Bob and Barb have dedicated their lives to children in care always putting the children’s needs before their own. Displaying a strong sense of service to others the couple are resilient and positive people, who focus on the present and make the most out of each day.

Fierce advocates for biological families of children in care Bob and Barb are committed to siblings being placed together and are extremely supportive of birth families – going above and beyond to ensure the children they care for have the chance to know their parents – and vice versa. The couple put together monthly communication/life story books for the children’s parents, ensuring a bond is maintained.

They are courageous, patient and compassionate carers who make sure no matter the challenge a child in their care is facing they are afforded every opportunity to be part of life. Bob and Barb provide the children in their care with kindness and are committed to ensuring best outcomes for babies, children, young people and their family members.

Exceptionally generous with their time, humble and selfless, Bob and Barb are outstanding volunteers in our community. They advocate often for the needs of children with special needs, making certain they are provided everything they need to live comfortably and can reach their full potential.

A couple, who without a doubt, have an enormous amount of love to give Bob and Barb are extremely deserving recipients of the inaugural Jillian Wain Award and we couldn’t be happier to see them recognised in this very special way.

Jillian Wain Award Announcement
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OzChild acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live and work. We acknowledge their cultures are living ones, which relate to their ongoing connection to all things living and non-living on land, sea and sky.

We pay our respect to Elders past and present.

May the children of today lead us to a brighter tomorrow.

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